Category Culture, Heritage, & Identity

From Collections to Sponsorship: Notes on the Extractive Museum

Thinking about extraction in museums more broadly – from collecting practices to our ongoing complicity in extractive wealth – helps to highlight the significant challenges that lie ahead.

Introducing A Frame of Mind: A new podcast takes a hard look at race in America through the lens of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

A Frame of Mind is a new five-episode podcast that takes a hard look at race in America through the lens of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri. 

Creating a Framework for Institutional Genealogy

Institutional Genealogy is a critical framework for assessing an organization’s origins, ancestors and older forms.


This week, Zachary Stocks (@Museumorphosis) continues to share with us a project he created called Heritage Organizations for Rural Social Equity (HORSE). This is the second part of a 4-part series. In this post, he discusses the foundational philosophy behind HORSE, outlining why museums should serve as sites for social action, and why that work is […]

What Happens When Monumental Sculptures by Black Artists are Placed in White Dominant Public Spaces

by Radiah Harper Dedicated to Peter Alan Harper, who showed up when I was writing. In 1979, my art history professor told me, “There are no great black artists”. I remember thinking, “What? Are you kidding me?” I was confused. I knew about Tanner (who painted in 1893!), Bannister, Bearden, Catlett, Lawrence, Savage, Mailou-Jones, The Harlem Renaissance. Didn’t he know about them? How […]

The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team.” In black ink is drawn a pyramid split into five horizontal slices. The slice of base of the pyramid is labeled “Absense of Trust.” The slice above it reads “Fear of Conflict,” then “Lack of Committment,” then “Avoidance of Accountability.” Finally, the slice at top of the pyramid reads “Inattention to Results.

Uncovering White Supremacy Culture in Museum Work

 By Hannah Heller, nikhil trivedi and Joanne Jones-Rizzi *** Introduction Before we dive in, we’ll begin with a brief example of white supremacy culture in a situation encountered by friend and colleague Joanne Jones-Rizzi, Vice President of Science, Equity, and Education at the Science Museum of Minnesota: WHEN IS IT NOT WHITENESS? White supremacy culture […]

Feeling Van Gogh – Making Vincent van Gogh’s Art Accessible

Today, we hear from Harma van Uffelen, curator of education at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. She shares about a multi-sensory program that the museum has developed to make the art of Van Gogh more accessible to individuals with visual impairments. *** Feeling Van Gogh is a program developed by the Van Gogh Museum […]

Factories of Stories

We are pleased to publish the writing of Simona Bodo, an Italian researcher and consultant. A few years ago, we had published her writing on intercultural dialogue, which you can find here. Below, she shares about her recent work with the Uffizi Galleries in Florence, Italy and their journey to activate the collections and the […]

Exhibitions for Social Justice

Today’s blogpost is a fantastic follow up to all the #MassActionReadingGroup content that we’ve published over the last few months. We hear from Elena Gonzales, PhD about her recently released book Exhibitions for Social Justice. Below, she describes her book, shares her motivations for writing it, and lets you know where you can find it. **** […]

Museopunks Action Recap

By nikhil trivedi *** In the September 2017 episode of Museopunks, we began talking about specific actions men can take to dismantle gender oppression and create more supportive institutions for people of all genders. To finish the thoughts I began on the show, below are four actions we as men—as people who benefit from male […]